Turgay İpek / Istanbul, May 11 () - A female CHP member of parliament candidate was ‘proposed’ by a mother on behalf of her son while she was canvassing in Erzurum province of eastern Turkey. “I put myself in for your vote not for your son” responded the MP candidate.

Gonca Aytaş, a female lawyer and CHP member of parliament candidate, was handing out Mother’s Day roses and canvassing in central Erzurum province of eastern Turkey on Sunday when she was bewildered by a mother, who told her that she was looking for a girl for her son and asked the MP candidate to marry him.

The 32-year-old election candidate thanked the woman before underlining her position by saying “I put myself in for your vote not for your son.” The young candidate handed out over 1000 roses to mothers during the Mother’s Day activity.
