
(Video) Endangered caretta caretta washes ashore dead in southeastern coasts

Mehmet Doğaner / Mersin, Aug 4 () - In the Erdemli district of southeastern province of Mersin, a 20 25-year-old lodger head turtle or caretta caretta came ashore and was found dead.

One-meter-long and 40 kg in weight, the caretta ceratta is suspected to have died because of its age or having eaten nylon wastes, since no traces of bleeding or fracture were found on its body.

In Merkez neighbourhood, young people swimming at the beach have noticed the dead lodger turtle, endangered species under protection in some Mediterranean coasts, and informed the coast guard. The caretta caretta was taken from the beach by municipality personnel to be buried.


Video Stream


- Dead caretta caretta

- People at the beach

- People staring at the caretta caretta