Ali Ruhluel / Nicosia, July 20 () – Parliament Speaker İsmet Yılmaz met Turkish Cypriot President Mustafa Akıncı in Nicosia, as part of the July 20 ceremonies marking the anniversary of the Peace and Freedom Day, referring to the foundation of the TRNC (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus).
“I believe that a prompt agreement (to be reached), which conform to the rights and law of both sides, would bring peace to this island, and contribute to the peace in the Eastern Mediterranean region” said Yılmaz in his statement, after the meeting.
Mustafa Akıncı, President of Turkish Cyprus, has also made a speech declaring that what they desire in sake for the peace process, re-established along with his designation as President, is to create an agreement of solution that both sides could approve.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan will also visit the northern half of the divided Mediterranean island on later today, to attend ceremonies marking the 41st anniversary of the foundation of the TRNC.

The visit was announced by Erdoğan’s office on July 16 through a written statement, which said he would meet Turkish Cypriot President Mustafa Akıncı and other senior Turkish Cypriot leaders, where he will discuss ongoing reunification talks.

Erdoğan and Akıncı had engaged in a public war of words shortly after the latter’s election as president over how to define the relationship between Turkish Cyprus and Turkey. Akıncı said the relationship should be based on “two equal independent states” while Erdoğan stressed Turkey’s role as the main “homeland” looking after around 200,000 Turkish Cypriots.


Kaynak: dha